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Donate to The Weight Room team that created it!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and continue to improve as a small business during this time of uncertainty. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
ready, set, go!
50 crunches
45 flutter kicks(each leg)
40 russian twist(each side)
35 squat jumps
30 squats
25 lunges(each leg)
20 push ups
1 min plank
15 push ups
45 second plank
10 push ups
30 second plank
5 burpees
50 bicycle kick(each leg)
45 scissor kicks(each leg)
40 high knees(each leg)
35 calf raises(each leg)
30 second squat hold
25 high knees
20 tricep dips
30 second side plank (right side)
15 tricep dips
30 second side plank (left side)
10 push ups
30 second plank
5 burpees
5min jog (neighborhood, trail, etc...)
speed walk back
Day 4
-Set 1=5min jog(outside or in-place), plank 30sec-transition-push up plank 30sec-transition-side plank 30sec each side=(PLANK SERIES), Mountain climbers x20(each side)
-Set 2=4min jog(outside or in-place), (PLANK SERIES). Mountain climbers x20. Leg lift x10. sit up-to-squat x10(floor, couch, or chair)
-Set 3=3min jog(outside or in-place), Mountain climbers x30(each side). Leg lift x20. sit up-to-squat x10(floor, couch, or chair)
Day 5
8 min jog (neighborhood, trail, etc...)
speed walk back
Day 6
• Forearm plank 1min
(Walk feet up a few inches)
• 15hip raises with 3 second hold at top
• reverse plank 1min
• leg lifts x10
• Basic squats
(Shoulder width apart, hands out in front of you) x10
• pulsed squats x20
• Wall sit 1min
• Sumo squats
(Wide feet, hands out in front of you)
• pulsed sumos x20
• chair sit 1min
(Repeat x3)
Day 7
10 min jog (neighborhood, trail, etc...)
speed walk back
50 crunches (legs up, alternating toe touch)
45 flutter kicks(each leg, elevated shoulders)
40 russian twist(each side, add weight)
add weight for next 3 exercises
35 squat jumps
30 squats
25 lunges(each leg)
20 push ups
1 min plank
15 push ups
45 second plank
10 push ups
30 second plank
5 burpees w/2 jumps each rep
50 bicycle kick(each leg, rotating shoulders)
45 scissor kicks(each leg, elevated shoulders)
40 high knees(each leg)
35 calf raises(each leg)
30 second squat hold
25 high knees
20 tricep dips
60 second side plank (right side)
15 tricep dips
60 second side plank (left side)
10 push ups
30 second plank
5 burpees w/2 push ups each rep
2 Lap jog
200 bleacher steps(total)
bear crawl 50 yards
walking lunge 50 yards
200 crunches
50 leg lift/toe touch(crunch) when feet are up, each rep
1 min side plank each side
DAY 12
-push up
• Plank into Push up
• Dips
(Repeat x3, 10rep, 8rep, 6rep)
• Plank 1 min
• Mountain climbers x20
• Forearm plank 1min
(Walk feet up a few inches)
-20 hip raises 3 second hold at top
• reverse plank 1min
• leg lifts
• Basic squats
(Shoulder width apart, hands out in front of you) x10
• pulsed squats x20
• Wall sit 1min
• Sumo squats
(Wide feet, hands out in front of you)
• pulsed sumos x20
• chair sit 1min
(Repeat x3)
30 Push ups
30 Squats
20 push ups
20 Squats
10 Push ups
10 Squats
4 Lap jog
250 bleacher steps
Walking lunges 50 yards
Bear crawl 50 yards
Liners(wind sprint) 50 yards-10 yard increments
Squat/Broad jump 50 yards
Donate to The Weight Room team that created it!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and continue to improve as a small business during this time of uncertainty. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Copyright © 2018 The Weight Room - All Rights Reserved.